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Friday 18 November 2011

Why Do Teachers Need the Digital Human Library?

Preparing students to enter a glocal society is a challenging task for all teachers, but essential to student success.  As teachers learn new ways to build the meaningful use of technology into their classroom programs, they are also faced with the challenge of using that technology effectively to engage students, and further their academic progress. The purpose of the dHL is to (1) provide students with 21st century learning opportunities by integrating information and communication technology (ICT) into the classroom program to improve educational achievement, enrich curriculum experiences, stimulate student interest and curiousity, and increase student engagement and participation; (2) emphasize cross-curriculur learning and integrated learning by helping students to make connections across all areas of the curriculum, and to the world beyond the school, with a focus on how this knowledge will affect their lives; (3) support and communicate student learning by connecting with people in local communities and abroad, bringing the global community into the classroom to meet diverse student needs; (4) strengthen the relationship between communities and schools by involving parents and community members in student learning to improve student performance and achievement; and (5) provide a new instructional resource for teachers to support their teaching in all areas of the curriculum, by offering students unlimited access to "guest speakers, as well as visits to local museums, archaeological digs, geographic features, art galleries, and festivals" without the added expense of transportation and admission costs (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2004), therefore establishing a more inclusive and equitable learning and teaching experience for all.

Ontario Ministry of Education (2004). The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8: Social Studies.Toronto: Queen's Printer for Ontario. 

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